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Saturday, November 22, 2014

Chapter 1

Chapter 1: The Unacknowledged Religion

When Praise Becomes Worship

Search “Obama Babies” on YouTube and you'll see a father teaching his newly-verbal son to say “Obama.”

You'll see a toddler clap and approach a TV set where Obama is speaking. One suspects the adults supervised the programming.

You'll see another new talker saying “Obama” over and over and over.

You'll see a baby in a bib watching “We are the ones we've been waiting for” with the “Obama. Obama. Obama” chant. The innocent mouths “Obama” ever so daintily.

More toddlers being taught to say “Obama.”

On YouTube you can find older kids singing songs of praise for Obama. You can even find school children sing hymns with Obama's name substituted for the original Deity. And you can find a child who can say “Yes we can” in Spanish.

Ahhh, Jonestown is a happy place. So much song and celebration and, yes, worship.

You can find a little kid praying to Barack Obama. So cute.

In an display of religious passion at the Gamaliel International Leadership Assembly (whatever that is) in Washington, DC on December 4, 2008, an assembled group of community organizers (what is the collective noun? An agitation of community organizers? An occupation of community organizers? An obstruction of community organizers? I'll have to do my research on that one.) literally pray to the president-elect. “Hear our cry, Obama.”

“Deliver us Obama”

Deliver us Obama”

At least the Gamaliels put their cards on the table. Dave Stewart plays his hand closer to his vest. He does not come out and admit that “American Prayer” is a prayer to Obama but the video suggests just that. Stewart denies endorsing Obama but states that “He is, in essence, the embodiment of a new anthem for change.” The song made flesh! Stewart loads up his vid with Obama supporters Forrest Whitaker, Jason Alexander, Whoopi Goldberg, Cyndi Lauper, Joan Baez, more has beens and B-listers. Stewart might be guarded in his comments but the object of worship is unmistakable.

Jordan Davis is a bit more up front with his religious perspective: In a video uploaded October 8, 2008:

he is wise Obama is good
in all his glory, glorious world
of Obama we love, we sing to you
of all the love we have, for you
oh Obama, light of the universe
protector of children, the magical man
who will save us all, and take us in
and hold us in his hands and kiss our heads

Obama glory glory

his words are us
and we are his words
believe in his words of truth

Mr. Davis was apparently sincere. So too Ludacris (Obama Is Here,) Los Dorados and Del Norte (Viva Obama,) The Mighty Sparrow (Barack The Magnificent,) King Short Shirt (Barack We Love You,) Steel Pulse (Barack Obama Song) and on and on and on. In 2007 and 2008 there were dozens, perhaps hundreds of YouTube videos that praised, flattered and yes, worshiped Barack Obama. Some of them are still out there. Some of them have mercifully fallen by the wayside.

Dinesh D'Souza opened “2016” of a young girl singing praise to Obama. In a California living room.

We're gonna spread happiness
We're gonna spread freedom
Obama's gonna change it
Obama's gonna lead 'em

We're gonna change it
And rearrange it
We're gonna change the world.

If that is not goose-steppy enough for you, twenty two kids are then lead through the paces of a “Yes we can”” recital. They are all wearing “Imagine Hope” t-shirts. The Obama logo is displayed on two large wall posters.
It is a the union of innocence and indoctrination. Comments on YouTube have been disabled but where the video has been reposted the word “creepy” is often used and comparisons to Hitler's youth are routine. When I saw this in the theater as part of “2016” it was met with sighs and groans. Jonestown is not everyone's idea of utopia.

Look further into videoland and you will find a mash-up of the Christian song, “Sanctuary” featuring video clips of Obama supporters shouting his name.

If you have not already seen the video wherein celebrities heap spiritual love on candidate Obama., you will not be one of the first five million viewers. The gimmickmeister assembled a truckload of agented personnel to express their rapturous veneration for their newfound godhead. For research purposes I have viewed the video at least a dozen times and it still weirds me out.

The maestro of Jonestown would assemble even more millionaires to produce “Yes We Can.” What seems like a cheesy, contrived slogan to some of us, is sacred scripture from the Book of Barack. This video is painful to watch without Kool-Aid.

It would be incorrect to say the news media jumped aboard the Obama bandwagon. They were the bandwagon. They would be the clerics in the first media-conceived, media-born and media-sanctioned religion. We will address the press in more detail later but for now let us review some of the more blatant displays of idolatry the fourth estate has ever displayed.

The quote that best typifies the zeitgeist is Chris Matthews' description of the biological reaction he experienced when he listened to candidate Obama speak. “I get this thrill running up my leg.” Yes, it was an era of “coming out” and evacuating closets and revealing all sorts of things about one self that most people did not want to know. In that spirit, Chris Matthews publicly shared his passion for all of us to emulate.

Whereas other journalists might be a bit subdued in their rapture, they were nonetheless just as loyal to the Church of Obama. To say the press preferred Barack Obama to his opponent is like saying that Billy Graham prefers Jesus to Satan.

The Project For Excellence In Journalism produced a study saying the press wrote about twice as many negative stories about McCain than about Obama. Of course, a staid organization meticulously analyzing print media will miss their electronic brethren's reverent inflection, deferential tone, giddy euphoria coupled with the choking back of tears. We would be treated to not just a nativity but also an epiphany that if not eternal, certainly seemed unending.

Even those of us who concede and accept media bias would occasionally drop our jaws at yet one more journalist going Moonie on us. When we thought we had seen it all, there would be one more display of conspicuous affection from one of the scribes. We thought that there were a few professionals above the adoration but we were usually disabused of that notion.

When the McCain campaign released a commercial calling candidate Obama a celebrity, CBS New devoted an entire five minute segment to defusing the negativity. In 2008, CBS found itself in competition with the other networks to see who could deliver the highest praise for their messiah. Within the Tiffany Network, competition was even tighter.

Harry Smith would let it be known that he could bow down farther and pray louder than his rivals. He was, perhaps, CBS's answer to Chris Matthews. Reporting on Candidate Obama's Democratic Party acceptance speech, Harry Smith was ever so jubilant. “There were certain points in the speech when the stadium was just so alive, and the ground was almost shaking.”

CNN's David Gergen waxed melodic. “ was less a speech than a symphony.”

Keith Olbermann would top his rivals. “For forty-two minutes not a sour note, and spellbinding throughout in a way usually reserved for the creation of fiction.” This deity's perfection was not to be questioned. Turning to the thrilled Chris Matthews, Olbermann inquired, “I'd love to find something to criticize about it. You got anything?”

By the way, I included the transcripts of the Denver speech in the appendix to highlight the pedestrian comments that earned such high praise. The speech is of course loaded with half-truths and broken promises, a harbinger of Obama's ultimate legacy.

If you have health care, my plan will lower your premiums.” Oops.

If you don't, you'll be able to get the same kind of coverage that members of Congress give
themselves.” Oops.

And as someone who watched my mother argue with insurance companies while she lay in bed
dying of cancer...” Oops.

I will eliminate capital gains taxes for the small businesses and the start-ups that will create
the high-wage, high-tech jobs of tomorrow.” Oops.
CBS, ABC, NBC, CNN, AP. They all experienced a beatific vision and they so generously shared their theosophical insight with all of us. For some members of the news media, this would be their first religious experience and nothing, not even curiosity seekers who asked 'who is this guy?' was going to
silence the blissful harmonies playing in their heads.

Immediately after the 2008 election I started the blog “Post Obotomy Syndrome.” America was divided into two camps. Those of us who said, “What happened?' and those of us who said, “Who cares? Drink the Kool-Aid.” At the time it was my opinion that America had allowed itself to be manipulated by a clever sales campaign and we had elected a cardboard cut-out to the office of the presidency.

The blog had one overreaching purpose and that was to expose the sales techniques that won the election. I had intended to show that Barack Obama was an empty suit and that the news media had turned him into a quasi-religious figure. I had no idea what I was getting into.

My first mistake was assuming that Barack Obama was a vapid creature, a lost Kardashian, an older, prettier Paris Hilton writ large. In researching BHO—and by research I mean sitting in my bedroom in front of a computer screen, research any professional journalist could do had they not taken a vow of silence—I would discover an international man of mystery with many facets of his character yet to be revealed. Barack Obama is a disturbed and disturbing personality. He is dangerous and his ardent followers, even more so.

For now, I will concern myself with another wrong assumption. I thought the cult of Obama was a fad that would find its way into the attic alongside the per rock, the hula hoop and the mood ring. I mistakenly thought of the Obamics as a quasi-religious cult. Oh no! Nothing quasi here. This is a full blown, first-ever, media-generated, media-sanctioned religious cult,

The cult of Obama is literally, not figuratively, an organized religion.

Take a moment and let that sink in.

I had hoped to embarrass and shame the 2008 voters who I thought had allowed themselves to get caught up in the moment. I greatly underestimated the spiritual investment the cult had devoted to their messiah. I was some dude on the corner telling Squeaky that this Charley guy might just harbor a couple of imperfections. Think Squeaky listened?

The adoration fell like Oklahoma hail. Celebrating Obama's victory with tears of joy. His celebrity-enriched inauguration. More Obama babies. More kids singing songs of worship. Obama tattoos. Journalists comparing Obama to God. More songs praising Obama. Ridiculous memorabilia. And of course, Obama Comics.

Every time I thought I had seen it all, something even more absurd would surface. One video stands out for what I thought would be an effective deprogramming tool: The Obama Drill Team.
At least three people have posted The Obama Drill Team to YouTube. There are explanations for the video's origins but I have not been able to confirm any of them. I can't verify if the “alpha omega” chant is a cryptic racist message. I cannot confirm that this production was part of a federally-funded program. These are mentioned in the comments section but no professional journalist has stepped up to tell the real story. So I guess the amateurs are once more, as good as the pros.

In the video ten African-American adolescent males take turns reciting, “Because of Obama I am inspired to be the next _____” and each one lists a different profession. They recite verbiage interspersed with' “Yes we can.” Then they robotically enumerate ten features of Obama's health care bill.

Understand, the earliest post is a month before the 2008 election. We might not ever learn who wrote the Affordable Care Act but it was obviously on the shelf even before Obama got elected.

This video is frightening for the brainwashing in action and the programmed devotion but worst of all, this video showcases adolescents who believe their fortunes are ultimately dependent on the actions of Barack Hussein Obama. Chilling? Yes. Unfortunately, not everyone shares my concern.

If the drill team did not give one pause, then maybe “Hope” the musical would. If not “Hope” maybe the bountiful harvest of Obama-morphed-into-Jesus images that appear with a simple Google search. Maybe exposing the “Obama Halo” would make people think and if not the halo, what about the cheesy Barnumesque fainting women Obama planted in his audience?

Then again, why look to a blogger for insight? Look in any direction. Obama was on course to double the national debt and no recovery was in sight. He had revealed himself to be a compulsive liar. He was mean, petty and vindictive. Worst of all, he repeatedly abused the powers of his office to punish those who disagreed with him.

Then came 2012 and the latter day Jim Jones would be re-elected. The cult of Obama was not a passing fancy. This is a genuine religion with tens of millions of believers who are as devoted to their faith as are the bedrock of any other denomination. One would be wise to remember the words of Jamie Foxx a few days after the 2012 election. “First of all, give an honor to God, and our lord and savior, Barack Obama.”

Barack Obama is not merely a president. He is not merely the leader of a religious cult. To his followers, he is a deity, a savior, a messiah. He is a religion and his followers are zealots. We are fools if we ignore the implications.

Magical Thinking

This was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal.” Barack Obama. June 4, 2008 on the evening of his securing The Democratic nomination.

Did Barack Obama really believe what he said? I don't know.

Did Barack Obama's devout followers believe what he said? Yes! They believe it as strongly as Latter Day Saints believe The Book of Mormon.

Magical thinking can take many forms but here we refer to the belief that Barack Obama's mere presence improves the status of everyone and everything. It is the Obamcist's conviction that the people and the planet benefit from Obama's divine existence.

In 2008 I was told by friend and pundit alike that the election of Barack Obama would improve America's standing in the world. This slogan was often repeated but never explained. We, the doubters, could not envision any improvement for America's standing no matter how that might be defined. Would The Axis of Evil be impressed with the elevation of a community organizer to the highest office in the land? Would China approve of Matt Damon's endorsement? Would Al Qedah be appeased by Ashton's imprimatur? With Oprah herself revealing, “The One” would the Taliban lay down their arms? Oh, we of so little faith!

It's an evolutionary flashpoint. The world is different forever.” Will Smith January 2009, discussing the recent presidential election of Barack Obama.

I have no idea what Smith is talking about. We have encountered quite a few head scratcher comments like these over the past few years. Wish there was one of those “Obama Worship For Dummies” in the bookstore to explain the unbridled enthusiasm and unending praise.

What I can tell you is that Will Smith is sincere in his faith. He believes that Obama's presence has metaphysical significance. We can't understand Smith but we should acknowledge that he is earnest and respect the believer if not the belief. Not that that policy doesn't present challenges, but we would be foolish to deny genuine displays of religious faith wherever we encounter them.

Barack Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2009. Voting concluded approximately two weeks after his inauguration. There were no significant events during his first two weeks in office.

The Nobel Prize was a puzzler for a lot of us. Was Soros pulling some strings for his comrade? Did the Chicago Gang open a branch office in Stockholm? Did Axelrod or whoever happened to be propping up this mannequin overplay his hand? If the public questioned Obama deserving the Nobel Peace Prize they might also question if he deserved to win the election?

As perplexing as his selection might be to the rest of us, it made sense to the worshipers of Barack Obama. Obama is peace. Infidels cannot understand matters of faith.

Barack Obama's legacy will be the biggest budget deficits in history. Long after the Affordable Care Act is either repealed or is crushed under its own weight, American taxpayers will be paying for Obama era budgets. I don't want to go too far off topic here but I hold the belief that this mountain of debt will probably be catastrophic. If not catastrophic, the interest on the debt will drag down our economy for generations to come.

Never mind that Barack Obama made the national debt a campaign issue, calling George Bush unpatriotic and wearing out the “two wars on a credit card” slogan. On spending, Obama outBushed Bush. When it came to spending, Barack Obama was George Bush on steroids.

Here is where it gets Waco. Obamics never seem to object to their messiah's reckless spending. They harshly criticized George Bush for “putting two wars on a credit card” (You got that one, right? George Bush put two wars on a credit card! Two wars, one credit card! George Bush!) and his profligacy was regarded as a vice. Ah but deficit spending is a spiritually different activity when Obama slides the credit card. Theirs is an unending faith in all of his actions.

Belief in the merits of the Affordable Care Act is a display of faith in the extreme. Granted, polls have consistently shown Obamacare to be disapproved of by about a 3:2 margin. Support has rarely hit forty per cent. But what a loyal forty per cent it is! Do you think even one civilian has read the Affordable Care Act? But forty per cent support it.

It was only in the last five years that I learned that Congressmen did not read the bills they voted on. I naively thought Congressmen wrote bills too. No. Someone else does that. Who? Staffers I guess.

If we had a functional news media we would learn who wrote the Affordable Care Act. I heard it was some guy from The Tides Foundation but I can't verify it. A 2,700 page monster document was afflicted on the general public without any scrutiny. “Hell no, you didn't read the bill!” Truer words were never spoken.

The Constitution may or may not be a living, breathing document but The Affordable Care Act is a consuming document capable of metamorphosis. The Secretary of Health and Human Services is allowed a lot of modification leeway. As well, the president has amended the bill through executive orders. Only a handful of lawyers have a handle on the ACA and they are ready to contest the details. By any standard the Affordable Care Act is chaotic and confusing.

Still, there is that unwavering band of loyalists who support Obamacare. They could not tell you a thing about it except that it is Obamacare. Obama approved it. They believe it. That settles it. This my friends, is faith. Faith in the divinity of Barack Obama.

An evolutionary flashpoint.

I regularly read Rasmussen Reports. There is this odd phenomenon where likely voters disapprove of Obama's policies and disapprove of things we might associate with Obama but roughly half of them approve of the president's job performance. As mentioned earlier, Americans disapprove of the ACA. They dislike gun control efforts and a whopping 78% favor requiring proof of citizenship before voting. Wrong track has defeated right track for most of Obama's term and most people believe America's best days are behind us. Still, they approve of Barack Obama.

Unconditional love is reserved for children and deities and I don't think anyone out there is calling the president 'son.' Howard Stern has repeatedly asked Obama supporters questions that expose their ignorance. Example: “Do you think President Obama made a good choice in selecting Paul Ryan as his running mate?” It doesn't matter what is asked, the answers are always the same. Obama good. Opponent bad.

For the devout, nothing is ever Obama's fault. A muddled foreign policy means that “he leads from behind.” Fast and Furious? Not his fault. Benghazi? Not his fault. Spying on the press? Not his fault. NSA spying on you? Yawn. IRS suppressing free speech/ Double yawn.

In autumn, 2008 I found myself in the presence of Obama fans. This was not an organized group, just a few people who independently bought into the hope and change. I had no reason to publicly express an endorsement but I was gently playing devil's advocate, I asked them questions like “Do you think Barack Obama was qualified to hold office?” and “Do you think that community organizing is preparation for the presidency?”

I was met with some hostility but none of the loyalists had much to say. One guy kept saying, “Did you see his speech?” referring to his Denver acceptance speech. I said, “No, what did he say?” He couldn't answer.

The gentleman disappeared and returned minutes later wearing an Obama t-shirt. I was not immediately aware that I was being treated to a sneak preview of the next several years. Here was a guy who simply could not express anything with words but who believed that there was something special, perhaps even divine, about Barack Obama.

Speaking on “Morning Joe” a week before the 2008 election, Spike Lee would not say the hand of God was at play but...“What he's done is historic. This coalition which he's gotten: black, white, Hispanic, Asian, gay, straight, whatever. It's come together, and this has never been done before. And I think this thing is, predeortained or whatever you want to call it. I'm not gonna say that it's God. But this is not a mistake this is happening now. I don't think it's a mistake it's happening, that he's here when this country is at its lowest in many, many years.”

I won't take a pot shot at Lee's butchering of a word while speaking off the cuff on live television. Lee is expressing heartfelt religious conviction. It is easy to dismiss these people as stupid but something more profound is going on here. What we are seeing is the earnest belief that Obama is divine. This is what theologians call faith. This is Obamacism.

Why Obamacists Cannot View The Man Behind The Curtain

Note: A slightly different version of the following appeared in Post Obotomy Syndrome shortly after the 2012 elections.
This author has used "Wizard of Oz" references on several occasions and I will probably milk the timeless themes in the future. The juxtaposition of the magical wizard and the man behind the curtain brings to mind a contemporary public figure. Life imitates art.

Supposedly "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz" was written as an allegory for the populist movement of the late 19th Century. The populists wanted to convert America from a gold standard to a silver standard. Although I recognize the problems of tight money as it was applied at the time and I recognize that the populists wanted to inflate the currency (fie) I marvel at the two possibilities. If I could not have a gold-backed currency, I would gladly settle for a silver standard over a policy of money that is ever-decreasing in value.

According to the allegorists, the Yellow Brick Road represents the gold standard. Its terminus is in the Emerald City, aka Washington. In the book, Dorothy wore silver slippers, not ruby slippers as were used in the movie. Dorothy is Everyamerican in all of her innocence and naivete. The brainless Scarecrow is the farmer. The Tin Man is the industrial worker whose heart is lost to his brutal existence. The Cowardly Lion is a composite politician in general and William Jennings Bryan in particular. The Wicked Witch hails from The West. Although the American West has been romanticized, it happened to be an absurdly harsh environment. The Wizard represents the Washington Establishment.

We know how the story ends. Toto pulls back the curtain and reveals the soul of delusion. There is a moment of deflated spirit and then the phony Wizard reveals that he is not all bad. The man behind the curtain shows himself to be a wise teacher.

The outed Wizard teaches each character that they already possess that which they seek. Their strength lies within their own psyches. This is a theme trumpeted by Christianity and Buddhism and echoed by New Age gurus. A line from a cheesy song by America sums it up pretty well:

"But Oz never did give nothing to the Tin Man
That he didn't, didn't already have"

We then go to bed with warm feelings for all of humanity. Life lessons learned. Even bad people have their redeeming qualities.

Then we wake up to Obama's America and we wonder how life diverged from art. The real life wizard insists he has magical properties long after he has been outed. If he has any wisdom, he is keeping it to himself. You can reassign symbols for the other characters but Dorothy is still Everyamerican and Toto...Toto is the blogger.

Toto is small, loyal and seemingly harmless. He seems almost superfluous but at key junctures he is the pivotal character. The whole fuss was started over Toto bothering that mean old woman who rode the bicycle with a doggie basket. Later, Toto escapes the Wicked Witch's capture, he pulls back the curtain and he jumps out of the balloon that will be piloted by a discredited wizard (perfect metaphor!)

In Obama's America, Toto pulls back the curtain. The Tin Man kicks the mutt in the head and the Scarecrow points his straw hand at the fallen beast and screams "Racist!" at the top of his lungs. The Cowardly Lion promptly secures the curtain in its proper place and Dorothy apologizes and promises to neuter the little bastard just as soon as they get back to Kansas. The fearless foursome then listen intently to the awesome wizard's instructions. They later marvel at his unending compassion and note that this wizard can relate to them as no one else can. Roll the credits.

Again, the divergence. When, the original characters are shown the true nature of the Wizard of Oz, they feel duped. When the real life wizard is revealed, he gets re-elected. Could it be that Baum never possessed a keen insight into human nature? That his characters should have continued adoring the imagery long after the trickery had been exposed? Maybe.

We should consider another possibility. Maybe we should consider that Baum's characters were perfectly sketched but that human nature has changed since 1900. We live in a post-factual era. Academia, the news media, the entertainment industry and online character games have parroted the message that there is no objective reality. Everything is a matter of opinion and preference. Everything. Entire generations have been taught to not just fear reality but to avoid it when it might be disturbing. The man behind the curtain has been revealed but we prefer to focus our attention on the wizard.

And we must consider one more reason for divergence. By his own admission, the storybook wizard was not a very good wizard. The real life cult leader will never make such a candid confession. Nope. He saw the storybook wizard's mistakes. He should have vilified The Munchkins and blame all of life's problems on their success. He should have plied the travelers with cell phones and EBT cards. Hell yes Baum's character was a crappy wizard!

Baum's novel, for all of its truths and insight into humanity, is ultimately hopeful and optimistic. It is a children's book for crying out loud. Reality is more gloomy. Whereas the Wizard of Oz ultimately "comes clean" our wizard never will. Never. Whereas the Wizard of Oz ultimately reveals his good side, our wizard has no good side to reveal. Truth can be ugly. Barack Hussein Obama is not just a bad president, he is a rotten human being. Rotten to his very core.

Meanwhile, Toto blogs. He will try to remain loyal to dumb ass Dorothy and he will mostly be a forgotten character. But when the audience least expects it, Toto might just twist the plot in an unforeseen manner. Toto is small in size but there are millions of Totos out there. Every dog has his day. Even Toto.

We're off to see the Wizard...

Things have not changed much for Toto since the above was written. He doesn't get a lot of lines and his work is largely overshadowed by the towering, verbose, mesmerized characters who despite their mesmerization, never cease their shouts of prayer. We ain't back in Kansas just yet.
The excessive praise, the implied transcendence, the religious iconography, and the outright worship make a compelling case for the existence of a new religious cult. Bolstering that case is the fearful response Obamacists display when one suggests that they turn their eyes from the wizard and examine the man behind the curtain.
That phobic response is highly unusual. People liked Bill Clinton but people did not worship Bill Clinton. When Kenneth Starr disgracefully tried to humiliate the man with lurid details of the president and his intern, the public devoured the subject. There was no wizard to disavow, only a man behind a curtain and his intern under his desk.. They wanted to know all about the cigar, and the curvature and the stained outerware. Bring it on!
Obama worshipers are frustrating and frightening for their reluctance to look behind the facade. This is characteristic of religious cult members. The followers of charlatans like Warren Jeffs or David Koresh or Marshall Applewhite have a voice inside them that warns them of trouble but they learn to silence that voice. Why do they hit the snooze alarm? Because sleep is comfort.
Every Obamacist knows that if they look backstage, the wizard will never again thrill them. They would feel duped and they choose to take a rain check on that situation. They might have to rethink things and it requires less effort to be told what to think. Mostly they want to keep the spirit of 2008 alive when a charismatic entity descended upon their dreary world promising hope and change. A messiah they could believe in. A messiah who can never, under any circumstances, be humanized.
This explains why seven years after Senator Obama kicked off his presidential campaign, he has not yet been vetted. The President of the United States would probably not be granted a security clearance to work as a cook or gardener at the White House. Absurd but true. Forty nine per cent yearn to know more about their president. Fifty one per cent prefer to know nothing.
I will spoil the ending for any Obamacist who dares to follow Toto's lead. Not only is there a man behind the curtain but he is a man of meager talent and bad character. You might not like what you see.
Did you ever wonder about something so intriguing or confusing that you have to stop what you are doing and stare off into space? It's a time when the brain says “slow down.” It could be the vastness of the universe or the nature of The Trinity. It could be the concept of eternity or the process of genetic evolution. Yes, those things can serve as show stoppers but none of them are as compelling as the following story.
Wayne Allyn Root was a classmate of Barack Obama at Columbia University. They are both listed as members of the Class of 1983. Root attended their thirty year reunion. They had about seven hundred classmates and about one hundred fifty fellow political science majors. Root is an unusually outgoing guy who in 2000 ran as the Libertarian Vice Presidential nominee and who can find his way to a microphone at a myriad of media outlets.
Root chatted with a lot of his classmates and a puzzling situation was revealed. Not one reunionist who Root talked to remembered their fellow classmate, Barack Hussein Obama. Not one of the participants in the unscientific poll had had even a vague memory of Barack Obama. Not one. For anyone who might glance at it, this tale is weirder than weird.
One hundred fifty political science majors and African-American males are roughly seven per cent of the US population. If Columbia University reflects the population of the country, there were about ten or eleven African-American males who majored in political science in 1983. A tall, handsome guy like Barack Obama would stand out at Fisk or Grambling or Howard. At Columbia, he would have certainly caught someone's eye.
The story takes a turn for the sinister. Root revealed Obama's phantom status in 2008. In 2011 he was audited for the years 2007 and 2008. He came up clean and five days later he was audited for the years 2009 and 2010. This would be a preview of a larger IRS scandal that is still unfolding.
“The Wall Street Journal” reported that Fox News contacted over four hundred of Barack Obama's classmates and not one remembers seeing or meeting him. supposedly sets the record straight. In an unusually snitty tone for what is usually an entertaining website, Snopes identifies one friend, one roommate and one professor who knew student Obama. They also note an article published by Barack Obama in a school magazine in 1983, his profile that appeared in “Columbia College Today” in 2005 and a 2008 press release from the university that verified his graduation.
Politicians are generally outgoing people. A reclusive introvert either telecommuted before there was such a thing or who employed a cloaking device for two years is as bizarre as any ghost or flying saucer story. We can state without irony that more people reported seeing Bigfoot than Barack Obama over the two years when the latter resided in America's most populous city ( reports that from 1921 to 2013 there were 3,313 Sasquatch sightings or roughly 36 per year.) In fairness, Barack Obama was spotted more frequently than the Loch Ness Monster (Zero sightings from 1979 to 1996) and probably more often than Mothman as well (Records are real spotty on that guy too.)
The reading public devours every presidential biography ever written. Naturally, there is a great deal of curiosity about the forty four men who have held the office. So why do Obama worshipers shield their eyes when the topic turns to school days? They are afraid to see the humanity of their messiah for fear that he will no longer be messianic.
Speaking of presidential biographies, why did Obamacists devour the fairy tale, “Dreams From My Father?” It was popular because it revealed an airbrushed personality viewed through the lens of racial politics. It should have prompted skepticism It did not.
When it was revealed that “Dreams From My Father” contained over three dozen “material discrepancies” Obamacists flamed the messenger. We will examine the cult leader's penchant for falsity later. For now, let us ask ourselves why the faithful greeted friendly biographer David Maraniss with hostility and why they did not purchase or read, “Barack Obama: The Story.” For that matter, why is there no enthusiasm for Mark Obama Ndesandjo's “An Obama's Journey: My Odyssey of Self-Discovery Across Three Cultures,” a book written by the president's half-brother that sets out to correct even more inaccuracies from “Dreams From My Father?” Don't ask, don't tell?
If a choirmaster at Mitt Romney's house of worship, who just happened to brag about conducting a physical relationship with the governor, was shot to death just days before the start of a presidential campaign, do you think it would generate media curiosity? What if the candidate in question happened to be Hillary Clinton? Or Sarah Palin?
The story of Donald Young is unsettling in the extreme. He was shot to death on December 23, 2007. NBC reported that the motive might have been robbery. It might have been. Young lived in a tough neighborhood. Still, shouldn't there be some curiosity about the longstanding member of Jeremiah Wright's Trinity United Church of Christ? Don't ask, don't tell?
I am not suggesting that Barack Obama pulled the trigger. However, he has kept the company of some brutal and unscrupulous people. His campaigns were ruthless and his administration is lawless. It's not beyond the realm of possibility that someone close to the campaign took it upon themselves to silence Donald Young. Young's loved ones deserve answers.
What if a man emerged to confess that he engaged in oral sex with George Bush as the Texas Governor sucked on a crack pipe? Would the press be curious? How about the general public? Wouldn't even the most loyal members of the Bush campaign give the story a once over?
For a few years I dismissed Larry Sinclair as a product of the Clinton smear machine. Yet, he stayed on topic long after Hillary settled in at the State Department. His tale never wavered. He had something to say. Eventually, I read “Barack Obama and Larry Sinclair: Cocaine, Sex, Lies and Murder” by Larry Sinclair. Even cynical, jaded readers would be shocked at the unlawful confinement of Mr. Sinclair performed by an attorney general in a corrupt state that would ultimately produce an unlikely vice president. Of course if one is concerned that reading about Larry Sinclair might kill one's theosophical buzz, then one will probably not read this lurid tale.
When I hear someone suggest that Fox News serves as a counterbalance to the Pravda Collective, I respond with two words: John Drew. Drew formed a club for Marxist students at Occidental College though it was ultimately given a less provocative name. By Drew's own admission he was “Full bore one hundred per cent into that very kind of simple-minded revolutionary framework.”
Drew would later earn a PhD. From Cornell and would undergo an intellectual transformation that resulted in his rejection of Marxism and its analogs. Prior to his metamorphosis, he visited his alma mater, where Barack Obama was then an undergraduate. The two young men met and conversed at length on Marxist theory.
Drew's YouTube videos paint a portrait of a young Barack Obama as a radical ideologue. Drew's Obama is consumed with his collectivist worldview and its accompanying resentment. This is also a young man who takes offense at disagreement. The vain, shallow dogmatist does not seem to be a candidate for future worship
Drew might be one of the most important voices ever ignored. A John Drew video posted four years ago has chalked up about 2,700 views. That is roughly two per day. Another video had 586 views last I checked. Fox News and most of talk radio joined the mainstream media in the John Drew blackout. As of this writing, Drew is not even included in Wikipedia.
Perhaps the most important overlooked figure is Frank Marshall Davis, a mysterious “mentor” who Barack Obama affectionately refers to as “Frank” in “Dreams From My Father”. Ladies and gentlemen, I submit to you that if you are unaware of this man's identity, you have lapsed in your civic duties. You are not an informed or responsible citizen.
Let me insert a paragraph from “American Spectator” October 2012:
Frank Marshall Davis was a literal, card-carrying member of Communist Party USA (CPUSA). His card number was 47544. He was pro-Soviet, pro–Red China. He edited and wrote for Party-line publications such as the Chicago Star and the Honolulu Record; contributors to the former actually served as secret agents to Stalin’s Soviet Union. Davis did outrageous Soviet propaganda work in his columns, at every juncture agitating and opposing U.S. attempts to slow Joseph Stalin and Mao Tse-tung. He favored Yalta and Red Army takeovers of Poland, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, and Central and Eastern Europe. He urged America to dump the “fascist” Chiang Kaishek in support of Mao’s Red forces. He wanted Communist takeovers in Korea and Vietnam. He was adamantly, angrily anti-NATO, anti–Marshall Plan, anti–Truman Doctrine. He argued that the U.S. under President Harry Truman—whom he portrayed as a fascist, racist, and imperialist—and under secretaries of state George Marshall and Dean Acheson, was handing West Germany back to the Nazis, while Stalin was pursuing “democracy” in East Germany and throughout the Communist Bloc. He portrayed America’s leaders as “aching for an excuse to launch a nuclear nightmare of mass murder and extermination” against the Soviets and the Chinese— as eager to end all civilization.”
Something can be said for the merits of eclecticism but why in the world would the family of Barack Obama introduce an imprintable teenager to Frank Marshall Davis? Why would they encourage or even allow this relationship to continue over a span of years? There has to be more to the story. Sadly, loyal Obamacists cannot and will not explore the rest of the saga.
It is hard to lay fault on Obamacists for not knowing John Drew but it is hard to believe just how much they have ignored. Barack Obama should have exceeded his quota of secrets a long time ago. There is Tony Rezko, Bill Ayers, Alice Palmer, the biography Obama submitted to a literary agent stating that he was born in Kenya, Michelle Obama's shady job she was awarded immediately after her husband became a US Senator, the Obama Halo. The staged faintings that would put Bernie Madoff to shame, and much, much more.
Obamacists cannot view Obama the man. To do so would pop the bubble of fantasy once and for all. Faith is a fragile thing. Their delusions can end quickly and Obamacists will do whatever is required to avoid such a tragedy.
The Visceral Attacks On Heretics

Ever hear of Thomas Gessling? Tuffy The Clown? How about the only rodeo clown in history to receive a lifetime ban from the Missouri State Fair?

On August 10, 2013 Tuffy The Clown donned an Obama mask while performing as a rodeo clown at the Missouri State Fair. Within days, he had received threats against his person and his property, a woman spat in his face and the “rogue clown” would forever cross The Show Me State's prime venue off his itinerary. The NAACP demanded a federal investigation. Local politicians piled on and made veiled and overt threats against the rodeo and everyone associated with it.

Missouri State Fair officials called on the Rodeo Cowboy Association to “hold all those responsible for this offensive stunt accountable.”

Missouri Rep. Steve Webb, D-Florissant, said he was “incensed” by the incident.
Sometimes apologies just won’t do. While I do not believe this represents all of rural Missouri, the racial undertones of a taunted rodeo clown dressed as our nation’s first black president is what the nation woke up to this morning,” 

U.S. Rep. William Lacy Clay, D-St. Louis, said he was “amazed that in 2013 such hatred, intolerance and disrespect towards the President of the United States could take place at the Missouri State Fair.”

Missouri Rep. Jeremy LaFaver, D-Kansas City, wrote on Twitter that he would no longer attend Missouri State Fair events and Sen. Jamilah Nasheed, D-St. Louis, called the event “racist and degrading.”

The heated reaction might seem surprising to anyone who follows American politics. We have a long and proud history of mocking powerful people.

I didn’t do this to do any hating on anyone. I did this to be funny. I did it to be a joke,”  told KCTV. “I didn’t think anything more of it than what we’ve done 15 years ago, 10 years ago, five years ago, when we’ve done it with Bush, Clinton and Ronald Reagan.”

Entire industries were formed around mimicking and spoofing and satirizing The Kennedys, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter and Reagan. It slowed down a bit with Bush 41 but accelerated with Bill Clinton. As I write this, a cigar clock featuring the President and Monica Lewinsky is being auctioned on Ebay. A decade and a half after he left office, professional Clinton lookalikes and impersonators are still available for booking at your special event.

Clinton was often mocked in a cruel manner and Bush 43 even more so. Gabriel Range's “Death of A President” seemed to stop just short of advocating for Bush's assassination. “W” was Oliver Stone's smear of George Bush released conveniently in 2008 enmeshed in the nets of the presidential election. Comedy Central gave us “That's My Bush,” which by the way was criticized at lampooning traditional sitcoms instead of constantly zeroing in on the media's least favorite politician.

Bashing George W. Bush became a staple of pop culture. One snapshot captures the contrast in his treatment with the attention Barack Obama has received. In the TV show, “Dexter,” a drama that revolves around the life of a highly-principled serial killer, the lead character is narrating a montage of Halloween. As Dexter says something about children dressing up as monsters, we are treated to the image of a child wearing a mask of George W. Bush. Unlike Tuffy The Clown, the child's future employment was not hindered and no one was threatened with bodily harm. No politicians expressed outrage and the actors and producers were not asked to apologize to anyone. This was before America had elected her first deified president.

Religious organizations are notorious for harshly assailing blasphemers, heretics, apostates and even level-headed critics. On September 30, 2005, the Danish newspaper “Jyllands-Posten” published twelve cartoons depicting the prophet Mohammed. One cartoon depicts the prophet with a bomb in his turban. The eleven others are not so pointed in their commentary but are nonetheless offensive to Moslems who regard any depiction of the prophet as blasphemous.

The resulting quake resonates a decade later. According to “New York Times” worldwide protests resulted in over two hundred deaths. There were also bombings of Danish embassies and assaults on Danish nationals. There would be consumer boycotts, protests, shuttered embassies, more protests, an aborted prosecution of the publishers, more protests, assaults on Westerners as well as multiple conspiracies to harm or kill the editor, the cartoonist, other employees of “Jyllands-Posten” and Danish public officials. Someone had kicked the hornet's nest.

Critics of Obama, or for that matter anyone who slightly disagrees with him, have been labeled racist. A racial slur can end a person's career and livelihood. Traditionally, the Letter 'R' was not something readily stamped. Times change. Vote for Hillary, you might be a racist. Vote for McCain, you are probably a racist. Oppose the graft-laden stimulus plan, you are certainly a racist. Oppose the absurdly wasteful Cash For Clunkers program and you are doubly certain a racist. Object to any facet of the Affordable Care Act and you are absolutely an absolute racist.

The cult leader plays the race card for one reason: it works. The cultists do so for another reason: fidelity. After all, if a god made flesh, a model of perfection, a flawless individual cut from a different cloth than the rest of humanity is criticized, the baseless attack can only be attributed to the color of his skin. There can be no other explanation.

Sarah Palin

Is Sarah Palin stupid or smart? Well, is a budget deficit stupid or smart? Conversely, is a budget surplus stupid or smart? Is a growing economy stupid or smart? Conversely, is a stagnant economy stupid or smart?

If there is brilliance to be assigned to Barack Obama it is an Orwellian brilliance in which success is failure, failure is success, health is sickness and sickness is palliative. Our enemies are our friends and our friends are nervous. Smart is stupid and recklessness is smart. Brilliant.

Sarah Palin launched herself onto the national stage as the innocent who reminded one and all that the emperor-to-be had no clothes. In two hundred thirty two years America had never witnessed such a fawning press. Thrills ran up legs and all dutiful Jimmy Olsens pledged to see no evil or speak no evil of what might soon be, America's first deified president. He would also be our first unvetted president.

A minority of voters refused to drink the Kool-Aid. We refused to wear blinders and we rejected the divinity of Barack Hussein Obama. We did not know who this man was but unlike his minions, we were not phobic about finding out.

Palin boldly questioned the notion that status as a community organizer adequately prepared one for public office.

Palin expressed concern at Obama's “bitter clinger” comments.

Palin reminded us that the self-focused Barack Obama had written two memoirs but had not written any significant legislation, even at the state level.

Palin reminded the faithful that Obama's Greek columns were made of Styrofoam.

Palin reminded one and all that Obama claimed power to make oceans recede. She would remind the listener of Obama's ties to the domestic terrorist, Bill Ayers. She would correctly predict that Obama was a tax and spend illiberal and she would for the first time in his campaign, make John McCain look attractive if only by contrasting him with his opponent.

Sarah Palin had committed two mortal sins. 1.) She had criticized Obama. 2.) More importantly, she had humanized Obama. The latter was, in the eyes of the faithful, the greater sin.

As with Mohammed, it is not just the deliberately insulting bomb in the turban cartoon that caused outrage. It is any and all depictions that ultimately humanize the prophet that Moslems find offensive. So too, the Obamacists object hatefully to any but Obama's self-generated depictions of their living icon.

The backlash was immediate. Obamacists started showing up at Obama rallies wearing “Sarah Palin Is A Cunt” t-shirts. That word would later be uttered by celebrity and blogger and Youtuber to describe the execrated for years to come. Andres Serrano never took as much flack as Sarah Palin. Then again, Christianity is premised on forgiveness and despite what its critics might say, it has a long tradition of tolerance. Obamacism does not concern itself with such matters as forgiveness or even tolerance of dissent.

Professional constraints forced journalists to adopt a softer tone. They called Palin “white trash” and predictably, compared her to Hitler. Then they went after her family. Kids, especially babies have traditionally been off-limits. But never before had we witnessed a blasphemer question the actual responsibilities of a vaulted community organizer.

Obamacists called Trig Palin “a retard” over and over and over. Others condemned his mother for failing to abort him. “US” and the usually staid and traditionally respectable “Atlantic” questioned Trig's parentage. Trig and his family were mocked and lied about and ridiculed unlike anyone before or since. What should we expect? His mother did mention the columns were Styrofoam, didn't she?

Sarah Palin's eldest daughter was pregnant at the time of her mother's nomination and she too was pilloried. The father of her baby, Levi Johnston would later be recycled over and over in an effort to find dirt on the Palins. She who said “the American presidency is not supposed to be a journey of personal discovery” should expect no mercy.

Shortly after Palin was selected as McCain's running mate, her personal emails were hacked by David C. Kernell, the son of a Democratic politician. Personal information including family photos and telephone numbers were passed around the Internet. Not surprisingly, Bristol Palin, the eldest daughter soon received a series of creepy phone calls.

Sarah Palin would weather as many half-truths, falsehoods and smears as any politician in American History. She would fight gallantly for her beliefs but ultimately John McCain would prove no match for America's first deified president. She graciously saluted the victors, said all the right things and went back to Alaska. Usually, this would end the chapter. Unfortunately, Change had come to America

I can't remember another American politician who was vilified and harassed after they lost an election. On April 6, 2009—not even three months into the Obama Administration--Tyra Banks, hostess of “The Tyra Banks Show,” dragged out Levi Johnston, the father of Bristol Palin's baby, in an effort to humiliate the Palins. Johnston would not disappoint. He would allude to nefarious activity on the part of the governor and her husband.

In three years Levi Johnston would rack up eleven TV credits on IMDB. In each appearance, he played himself. He would professionally hobnob with such luminaries as Bill Maher, Larry King, Dr. Phil and Jimmy Kimmel. A star was born.

As Johnston advanced his own career, Sarah Palin's career took an unexpected twist. She would fall victim to a loophole in Alaskan law that forced her to defend herself against bogus ethics violations. In the process, the Palins were beset with about a half million dollars in legal fees. Out of financial necessity, Sarah Palin resigned as governor of Alaska in July, 2009. Alaska would later amend its ethics laws to prevent future office holders from undergoing such harassment.

It was a choreographed conspiracy that drove Sarah Palin from office and had the US Department of Justice been composed of something other than Obamacists, an investigation would have ensued. Obamacists, however, are not necessarily beholden to civil law. Theirs is a higher calling.

Even as she left public life, Sarah Palin would not be left in peace. Actress Kathy Griffin would travel to Alaska and ring her doorbell. It would not be the only act of stalking. The writer Joe McGinniss would rent a house next door to Sarah Palin to better spy on her and her family. We should remind ourselves that the subject of this unprecedented level of attention was a RETIRED politician. Then again, she did remind us that the columns were made of Styrofoam. Maybe she should be thankful she was not afforded the Joan of Arc treatment.

Certain parties feel strongly that they own certain words. Words like racism and hate. Obamacists can hate as well as any other religion. We cannot list all of the celebrities who bolstered their careers by bashing Sarah Palin. We will highlight a few comments from Obamacist acolytes.

Bill Maher is a satirist turned sycophant who loves Barack Obama. He is disdainful of religion but in the case of “The One” he is willing to make an exception. He speaks so reverently of Obama, an observer is not sure if the audience is being treated to a beatific visionary or something more erotic. On the other hand, he has called Sarah Palin a “snarling bitch,” a “stupid twat” and a “cunt.” He also likes to make fun of her children, especially the one with Down's Syndrome. If you want to stay on Bill's good side, do not mention that the columns are made of Styrofoam.

Obamacist high priest, John Stewart was concise. Even though he devoted a 2008 pre-election standup routine to trashing Sarah Palin—and to a lesser degree, John McCain--interspersed with praise for Barack Obama, he was succinct is his feelings for the governor of Alaska. “She said that small towns she likes going to because that's the pro-America part of the country. You know, I just want to say to her, just very quickly: Fuck you.” According to Jason Mattera, Stewart's expressed grievance with Palin stemmed from her criticism of Obama befriending domestic bomber Bill Ayers. I bet he wasn't wild about the Styrofoam columns either.

Sandra Bernhard was just as passionate in her reverent defense of the sacred from the profane.

Now you got Uncle Women, like Sarah Palin, who jumps on the shit and points her fingers at other women. Turncoat bitch! Don’t you fuckin’ reference Old Testament, bitch! You stay with your new Goyish crappy shiksa funky bullshit! Don’t you touch my Old Testament, you bitch! Because we have left it open for interpre-ta-tion! It is no longer taken literally! You whore in your fuckin' cheap New Vision cheap-ass plastic glasses and your hair up. A Tina Fey-Megan Mullally brokedown bullshit moment.”

She also joked about Palin getting gang-raped by “a bunch of brothers.” Her defense of the faith would be appreciated by her fellow Obamacists on “The View.” She would be invited on the show where she would call Bristol Palin a “hooker.”

Perhaps the most telling comment about Sarah Palin was made by the late Father Andrew Greeley who called her “a racist with her eye on the White House.” Sarah Palin is not a racist but to an Obamacist, all who disagree with their leader are by definition, racist. Christians are strictly forbidden from bearing false witness against their neighbor even their neighbors who happen to be hockey moms.

Christians are also forbidden to worship false idols. Obamacism is premised on idolatry and falsehood. Christianity and Obamcism are incompatible. Father Greeley, a man who devoted his life to the service of Jesus Christ succumbed to the theatrics of a crafty cult leader. In Obamacism, Father Greeley could do that which Christianity prohibited. In Obamacism, Father Greeley could openly foment hate. His conversion was a tragic shame.

The Clintons

If you can overlook busing Obama voters from Chicago to Iowa, the manipulation of the caucus system, news media assisting Obama to the degree never before seen in America and the betrayal of the super-delegates, the Clintons were left relatively unscathed by the wrath of the Obamacists. Yet, there were times when the faithful could not contain themselves.

Air America host, Randy Rhodes, verbally assailed Hillary supporter, Geraldine Ferraro. "What a whore Geraldine Ferraro is, she's such a fucking whore." Randi Rhodes then said that Hillary Clinton was a "Big fucking whore too."

Small potatoes compared to the repeated charge of (what else?) racism directed against former President Bill Clinton. That is a sharp insult for any non-racist but for the governor of a southern state who would affectionately be called, “America's first black president,” it stung deeply. Bill Clinton's public record, his life's work, meant nothing to the Obamacists. He who is not for us, is against us.
John McCain

John McCain, the battle-proven warrior that he is, was ruthless in his attacks on his fellow Republicans. Securing the nomination, he soon took on the manners of a neutered twelve year old bulldog trying desperately to reassure prospective adopters that he would never have an accident on their shag carpet. He would be squaring off against Zeus in the general election and his brain trust would advise him to take a gentler, deferential tone.

Only twice did McCain show any fight. The second time would be when he selected Sarah Palin as his running mate. The first time was the “Celebrity” ad where he compared a vapid Barack Obama to Paris Hilton. The backlash was instantaneous. CBS devoted over five minutes of their nightly news to announce that campaign had now gone negative while the talking heads subtly dismissed McCain's jab.

Despite his feeble tone, McCain would weather a barrage of racist insinuations, racist innuendo, racist by proxy charges, racist by association (with racists unnamed or unknown who shouted vile, hateful messages wherever Republicans held a rally) as well being called, what else? A racist. He would be invited to”The View” where Whoopi Goldberg would ask him if he would re-institute slavery.

Most of the press took a gentler if not more convoluted logic. Countless articles and editorials (do they still make a distinction?) started with the premise that Barack Obama was perfection incarnate and thus, the only reason to oppose him would be racism. The opposition is headed by John McCain who is therefore, a racist by proxy.

In their most evenhanded moments the press would do to McCain what they would never do to Obama. They would humanize him. Vast expanses of Obamaville would be quarantined but the acolytes in the press would tell inform us of John McCain's ugly divorce and subsequent marriage to a younger woman. Obamacist prelates at the ”New York Times” would fabricate an affair between McCain and a lobbyist with not a shred of evidence. They would attack McCain for being wealthy and they would trash Cindy McCain for being Cindy McCain.

Like Bill Clinton before him, John McCain was probably stunned by the harshness of the attacks. However slight the infraction, he was guilty of nondeference. In the Ecclesiastical Court of Obamacism, McCain would plead out to perfunctory nondeference and promise to never re-offend.

Joe The Plumber

On a campaign photo op Barack Obama wandered through a blue collar neighborhood outside of Toledo, Ohio. There he encountered a man who was tossing a football in his yard with his son. Obamacists in the press like to say the gentleman in question stopped Barack Obama but it seems that the candidate actually engaged the suburban father.

Samuel Joseph Wurzelbacher asked Senator Obama a question about his proposed tax increases and briefly asserted that said tax increases could have a negative effect on small business owners. The candidate famously responded that he preferred to “Spread the wealth around.” Within hours the Obamacists would find themselves a new punching bag.

The Director of the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services, Helen Jones-Kelley instructed a subordinate, Vanessa Niekamp to comb through the state's data system to find out information about the man who would become known as “Joe The Plumber.” In addition to these two Alice Kravitzs, the “Columbus Dispatch” would later report that the State Highway Patrol's computers as well as computers utilized by the Ohio Association Of Chiefs Of Police were used to scour confidential law enforcement data bases to find information about Public Enemy #1. Within days, the Obamacist Media would report scandals innumerable about the terrorist interrogator.

Virtually every news outlet from the “New York Times” to ABC to MSNBC to Fox News and the “Toledo Blade” would release stories that portrayed Wurzelbacher as a fraud, a scofflaw and a dupe. First, Joe was his middle name. How dare he call himself Joe when his first name is Samuel. Second, he was not even a licensed plumber. He was not a small business owner and he did not possess the wherewithal to launch a plumbing business and he owed back taxes totaling almost two thousand dollars. He was twice divorced and he is too stupid to understand that he would actually benefit from an Obama Presidency.

Understand, these revelations were made at a time when almost fifty per cent of the voting population were starved for information about their future president. No birth certificate, no college transcripts, no passport records, a high degree of mystery in all that he did. Meanwhile, everything you never wanted to know about some guy who asked a question from his front yard saturates the news media.

Joe The Inquirer would be savaged on YouTube, the blogosphere and places like Ask Yahoo. Daily Kos (not sure they were first but they were front runners) would call him a racist and The Cult of Obama would pick up the meme. Per usual for Obamacists, death threats would follow.

Glenn Beck

Glenn Beck was a run of the mill conservative talk show host whose fortunes rose in tandem with Barack Obama's. Obama was elected president the same year Beck came to Fox News. Beck was always suspicious of Obama's stagecraft, his trickery and his anti-transparency. Beck did something pundits rarely do; he started practicing journalism.

Beck's show became a network within a network. His skeleton crew exposed Van Jones' interesting past, scandal at ACORN, The Tides Foundation, the Cloward-Piven Strategy, the motives of Cass Sunstein and much, much more. Not bad for an amateur newsman.

The Obama Administration despised Glenn Beck. When White House Communications Director, Anita Dunn accused Beck of misrepresenting the administration, the hyperkinetic entertainer took umbrage. He confirmed his show's commitment to truth and set up a red phone whose unlisted number was given only to the White House. Should the administration find any inaccuracies, they could immediately interrupt the show with a phone call. The red phone was never utilized.

Hell hath not fury like Obamacists scorned. Beck would be hit with possibly the most vicious rumor campaign in the history of Planet Earth. Obamacists spread the obviously unfounded story that Glenn Beck had raped and murdered a girl in 1990. The websites and YouTube vids usually don't come out and state in a declarative sentence that Beck raped and killed a girl. “I am just asking the question if Glenn Beck raped and murdered a girl in 1990.” Give the Obamacists points for cute but do not underestimate their capacity for malice.

Beck was also subject to a puppeteered sponsor boycott that would prove futile. When Glenn Beck left Fox News to concentrate on The Blaze and GBTV the Obamacists took credit for running him off the air. In truth, it was more of a Billy Bean/Money Ball sort of decision on Fox News' part and Beck wanted more time and more freedom and ultimately more revenue. Nonetheless, the Obamacists did a victory dance.

In June of 2011 Glenn Beck and his wife were mobbed by an angry crowd in New York's Bryant Park. They emerged unscathed although Mrs. Beck was soaked with someone else's wine. The Becks had arrived not to promote a political agenda but to view Alfred Hitchcock's “39 Steps.” The Obamacists did not care. This was a critic of their deity. Attack!

The Tea Party

The Tea Party is an ill-defined political movement. It originated after CNBC correspondent Rick Santelli, fed up with the bailouts of corporations and reckless mortgagers, suggested America have another Tea Party. Thus began one of the most interesting chapters in American political history.

The Tea Party started out as a reaction to both political parties. It concerned itself with fiscal conservatism and only fiscal conservatism. The final chapter on the Tea Party is not yet written but a recurring theme is that the movement gets hijacked by chronic attention seekers. From a media-magnet sheriff in Arizona to an environmental activist in Indiana to Teavangelicals and their emphasis on social conservatism to dozens of Republican retreads, the Tea Party has become an ever-evolving paradigm.

Had the Tea Party percolated during the Clinton Administration, the president would have charmed its members. He would have some of them believing that he started the Tea Party himself. He would have listened to their concerns and would have acted on some of them.

Unfortunately, the political movement in question came to the scene shortly after the arrival of our first deified president. Barack Obama cannot and will not tolerate dissent or defiance. He mocked and ridiculed the protestors. The IRS would later harass Tea Party groups. Whether that is the work of the administration or the work of faithful Obamacists protecting their leader has yet to be determined.

The Tea Party was the perfect target for the Obamacists to attack. Individuals can sue but nebulous groups are defenseless against blanket charges of racism. Obamacist pundits would repeatedly say things like “not all of the Tea Party is racist but...” This tactic was repeated on a daily basis. If there were racists within the Tea Party movement, they would never be identified.

Although the insults leveled against the Tea Party have been unimaginative (tea bagger/racist/extremist) they have also been repetitive. Scroll down to the comments of any Tea Party video on YouTube and you will see the same remarks over and over and over. Of course, the intensity never wavers. To the practicing Obamacist, the ideas advanced by the Tea Party were moot. A challenge to both political parties included opposition to their beloved leader. That could never be tolerated.

Mitt Romney

One can disagree with Mitt Romney's politics but he is one of the most decent and generous public figures America has ever produced. Yes, his father sent him to good schools but Mitt did not accept his inheritance. He donated it to Brigham Young University in memory of his father.

The Romneys tithe and give additional money to charity. lists such diverse groups as United Way, Deseret International Foundation and Weber State University as beneficiaries of Mitt Romney's charity. And let it be said that Mitt Romney is a devoted family man and church leader.

Team Obama knew they were in trouble. They would not be able to run on their candidate's disastrous record. They would commit themselves fully to smearing their opponent, whoever that happened to be. And if their opponent was beyond reproach, they would fabricate false witness.

We will later explore the personality of Barack Obama, including his chronic deception, dishonesty and duplicity. For now, let us state state that unless it involves issues of national security, it has never been acceptable for the president to lie to the populace, even if an election is at stake.

Team Obama would claim that Mitt Romney was a tax cheat, a felon, a misogynist and that he was somehow complicit in the wrongful death of an innocent woman. Falsehoods. Nothing but vicious, malicious falsehoods.

In another era the press would have called out Team Obama on their lies. The bulk of the voting public would have taken it upon themselves to separate falsity from truth. Yes, there was a political sliding scale of truth but traditionally the American public took a dim view of people who lied to them in a brazen manner. Sadly, facts mean nothing to Obamacists.

To the Cult of Obama, Mitt Romney was just one more demon rising from the cauldron. He challenged their god. That is all an Obamacist needed to know. One more fallen angel who needed to fall once more. If that meant embracing the dogma and spreading the hate, thy will be done. Facts be damned.

Wayne Allyn Root

Wayne Allyn Root is an interesting character. Despite graduating in Barack Obama's class at Columbia, his politics are 180 degrees from Obama's, having at times involved himself with The Libertarian Party. He is frequently critical of Obama's policies and he also brought a curious phenomenon to the surface.

Wayne Allyn Root does not remember Barack Obama at Columbia. None of his classmates knew Barack Obama personally or even remember seeing the tall, handsome black man with the winning smile. The graduating class was about 700 students and the political science department—which would include both Root and Obama—graduated 150 students. Root describes the political science students as “tight knit” but not one of them remembers Barack Obama. Incidentally, Obama would be conspicuous by his absence at their thirty year reunion. Root would again quiz his classmates and no one remembers ever seeing Barack Obama at Columbia.

For revealing this oddity Root was audited by the IRS in 2011. He completed his ordeal in the summer of 2012 only to be audited five days later for another two year period. Such tactics are unheard of except in the case of Wayne Allyn Root.

Perhaps we should not jump to conclusions about rabidly loyal Obamacists who happen to work for the IRS. Perhaps this originated at the White House (in which case a special prosecutor needs to be appointed pronto.) Either way, we are viewing the harassment of an honest citizen for political purposes.

Flea Bites And Drivebys

There are leftists, either unified or not, who are sometimes referred to as Occupy Amazon. They assign one star ratings to authors with whom they disagree politically. They never, ever refute because they never read the book in question. The commentary is usually a standard “the author cherry picks his statistics” kind of blurb. There are stories of one star ratings appearing within hours of a book's release to the general public.

It is not ideology alone that drives the blurbmasters. With Obamacists it is a bit more personal. Thomas Sowell is sometimes wrongly called a conservative economist as if he driven by bias and bias alone. In truth, he is an honest social scientist whose findings often clash with the interests of the political class. You won't often hear big government proponents quote Thomas Sowell.

Sowell's “Basic Economics: A Common Sense Guide to the Economy” has currently garnered 180 reviews including 3 One-Star reviews. 1.6% of reviewers (not necessarily readers) handed out the worst-possible rating.

By comparison, Mark Levin's blatantly partisan “Liberty and Tyranny: A Conservative Manifesto” collected roughly four times the number of One-Star reviews. Of the 2.954 Amazon reviewers, 185 (6.2%) left the worst possible rating.

Now let's examine the criticism expressed by reviewers of a book obviously critical of President Obama's record. David Limbaugh's “The Great Destroyer: Barack Obama's War On The Republic” attracts 16.8% One-Stars (41 out of 244.) The comments are typical of Occupy Amazon in general and Obamacists in particular. There are blanket racist accusations, revelations that the author is stupid, revelations that the author is evil and zero refutations coupled with zero evidence that the reviewer even read the book and of course we are reminded that the book is poorly written.

Amazon Reader” a verified purchaser with no other reviews to his credit, offers this insight: I stopped reading this book half way through. In addition to Limbaugh's racist rants, his style of writing is altogether disorganized and immature. There are other books of this style (e.g., The End of America) that are much more worth while.

ANAF” offers a slightly different perspective: “Juvenile, lost in the belief that your side or "your" president will save you and another will put the country in ruins. Archaic. Just nonsense and that stands for its left-wing equivalent as well. Shut up.

This is the only book in “ANAF's” three pages of reviews. He mostly reviews music but he did find time to tell us about a product called Semenax. “I blow loads that need the Hoover Dam to stop the flow. Props to Semenax. Now, I need to clean my tub.” Thanks ANAF.

JustSayWhydotCom” might the best choice to author “The Complete Idiot's Guide To Occupy Amazon.” ”I read political screed for a living and this is one of the worst I've seen in a while. Not only is the writing style immature and irritating, but the points have either been debunked or are so deceptive as to be worthless. I would gladly point out case by case how these are lies, fed to the gullible, but those who seek out the facts already know these to be lies and those who believe books like this will never benefit from facts anyway. Regardless of your political leaning, don't waste your money on this factually deficient children's book.” By the way, Mr. Com is not a verified Amazon purchaser of Limbaugh's book.

It's not just Limbaugh. Anyone who writes a book critical of the president will be personally attacked by loyal Obamacists who clearly have not read the book in question and have no curiosity regarding its contents. And it isn't just Amazon where this occurs. Any online newspaper that features reader comments will be scrolled with the same racist/hate/stupid/evil/factssuck formula that we see at Amazon. The same thing can be seen at YouTube as well. If comments are allowed, Obamacists will be there to call someone a racist.

Returning to Wayne Allyn Root, I did a couple of web searches on him which lead me to even more scorned Obamacists. Root has made a name for himself as a sports handicapper. I don't know if he is a good or bad gambler but I can tell you that the Occupy Amazon crowd has infiltrated sports gambling discussion sites. Root's name is often followed by an unsubstantiated claim that Root is either dishonest, incompetent or both. Guess he should have zipped his lip about Columbia, huh?

We have yet to determine if Obama critics are being targeted by the White House, by overzealous worshipers or a combination of both. The convenient hard drive crashes at the IRS are legendary and more reports of data destruction are being reported at other Federal agencies might make this difficult to sort out. Here is an abbreviated list of suspicious acts of intimidation:

Dr. Ben Carson was audited for the first time in his life a few months after making a political suggestion at The National Prayer Breakfast attended by President Obama.

From “USA Today” May 16, 2013, “In a blistering letter to President Barack Obama, the Rev. Franklin Graham said the IRS targeted the two non-profits he heads with an audit last year after the organizations took out ads urging people to support biblical principles on marriage and in choosing political candidates.”

In 2012, businessman Frank VanderSloot donated to a Romney Super PAC. He was first smeared by the Obama campaign, then audited by the IRS. When that audit turned out clean, he was audited by the Department of Labor. All of this in an election year.

On May 15, 2013, ABC News reported another suspicious IRS audit. “... Hal Scherz, a physician who started the group Docs4PatientCare to lobby against President Obama's health care initiative, and became a vocal critic of the president on cable news programs.”

Multiple heavy Romney donors were subjected to IRS audits in 2012 including casino magnate, Sheldon Adelson, who was also probed by the Department of Justice in that election year.

Richard Nixon was impeached for attempting—yes, merely attempting—to do what the Obama Administration succeeded in doing. Richard Nixon failed to use the IRS as a political weapon. Someone close to Barack Obama has weaponized several branches of government, including the IRS. Of course, four or five Obama Plumbers could not execute widespread, ongoing abuses of power from multiple offices in multiple agencies. Dozens, perhaps hundreds or even thousands of government employees have risked their careers, their pensions and their freedom in their devoted service of their deity.

Whatever else may be said about Obamacists, they are decidedly loyal in word and deed.

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