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Friday, October 2, 2020

I Queried Nora Long at Writers House on October 2, 2020.

 I queried Nora Long at Writers House on October 2, 2020.

Update: 10/11/2020.I do not see a Nora Long listed at Writer's House.

Ashley Herring Blake Submission


Sunday, September 27, 2020

A Brief Biography


Frank Lee Rio is the real-life Kilgore Trout who has worked absurd job after absurd job to support his writing habit. You might have talked to Frank if you requested a mental health evaluation or a termite inspection. You might have purchased a pizza from Frank. Your medicine cabinet might contain products once tested on Frank during his professional human guinea days. If you read medical texts you might see close-ups of Frank from his days as a wart model. There is a good chance that you already have some familiarity with Frank Lee Rio.

Backstories and Recurring Characters


Backstories and Recurring Characters:

The Josephs:
 Despite their massive wealth, the Josephs have been excluded from America's aristocracy. They shun Ivy League schools, secret societies, Bilderberger gatherings, clubs. councils, and most organizations. Joseph and Geneva are parents to three grown children.

The eldest Joseph child, John Joseph, has the Midas touch. He drops out of an engineering program as a teenager to devote full time to currency speculation. He duplicates the Apollo 11 mission with robots. He creates a powersat empire that makes him the richest man on Planet Earth.

John Joseph promotes a social agenda that is slightly libertarian and somewhat libertine. This draws the wrath of entrenched interests who first try to ruin him and later try to assassinate him.

James Joseph writes or co-authors dozens of books, including "The Fluffy Manifesto" and "The Cult of Leftism Versus the Not-Left Coalition." quotes from these two books introduce chapters of books written by Frank Lee Rio that share the same title.

The Johnsons:  Tecumseh Sherman Johnson, Sr. is the patriarch of a secret and successful African-American criminal enterprise. He has risen through the ranks as a probation officer to anonymously of the most skilled and most daring criminals in the greater Houston, Texas, area.

Three of Pearl and Tecumseh's grown children became probation officers, another worked as a public defender, and another daughter married a missionary who decided to spread the Word in a comfortable tax haven.

Tecumseh and Pearl are playing the long game. They seek racial supremacy and unlimited prosperity. Unbeknownst to the world, Senior Johnson is one of the most influential people of his era. He uses biological weapons to thin the herd of the law enforcement old guard, knowing that most of the replacements will be young African-Americans who might Senior from one of the civic clubs he founded long ago.

Among the witnesses to the successful biological attacks on greater Houston's criminal justice personnel are a series of imitators. Pandora's Box is ripped open. Welcome to New Pandoria.

Mindy Watkins: Mindy Watkins (nee Watson) is a successful private prison entrepreneur who is revolutionizing the industry. Amerijail containment centers feature wallscreens made of unbreakable material.


The Internet is foraged for childhood and adolescent pictures of each inmate. Where none can be found, Amerijail can interpolate what an inmate looked like at an earlier stage of life. The inmate's head and face are morphed onto the bodies of actors, and they view "themselves" in all their blissful histories when they enjoyed Precious Memories (a wholly-owned subsidiary of Amerijail, Inc.) cereals in the company of loving family and admiring friends. Deprived of human contact—the corrections officers wear large mascot bodysuits, and inmates have minimal interactions with their peers—the client reshapes his worldview and self-image.


An unstated goal of Amerijail is to return ex-criminals to a world where they will purchase and enjoy Precious Memories cereals (as well other product lines still in development), but there is a darker side of their agenda as well. Dr. Steven Wu, Amerijail Director of Rehabilitative Services has refined, if not perfected, methods to extract false confessions and fraudulent testimony. Amerijail is believed to have extraordinary growth potential.


Eva Marie Taffy: The low-level politician became the brightest star in John Joseph's Eclectic Party. She survives an assassination attempt to be elected governor of Mississippi. In return for pardoning all consensual crimes past or present, John Joseph invests large sums in the Magnolia State. Entrenched interests attempt to tilt the scales in Mississippi's bold social experiment.


Mary Elizabeth Jones: The Federal Probation Officer has made some dangerous choices in men. First, she opened up her office's database of criminal talent to Ulysses Johnson and then gave him a son. Jones would later team up with the underworld rising star, Jim Garfield, who is also provided a son. When she teams up with Garfield to launch a chemical attack on the nearby Waller County criminal justice complex, things go horribly wrong.


Jones spends much of her time looking over her shoulder. She knows more about the Johnsons and Jim Garfield than she ever hoped to know.


Leo Kelly, Walter McVey, et al.: Leo Kelly is officially employed by DEA. Walter McVey is officially retired from DEA. Both men support the merits of supplemental governance and auxiliary supervision. Recognizing that their objectives cannot always be reached through standard methods, they compile and revise an Enemies List of people they view as bad actors.


The cabal spends a lot of time planting kiddy porn on the devices of designated enemies, but they have other methods at their disposal, including assassination.